- Version 2.0 - 280Kb (md5sum:
- Version 1.2.1 - 270Kb (md5sum:
- Version 1.2 - 269Kb (md5sum:
- Version 1.0 - 159Kb (md5sum:
(Old releases available shortly)
Names in brackets in this changelog indicate the name of the person who suggested a particular feature. (in the case where multiple people suggested the same idea, i've tried to include the first person to suggest it)
Changes in v2.0 - 21 February 2004
- NEW: Frequencies simulated can be wieghted to simulate more midrange feedback (Bob Quintal)
- NEW: Feedback can be simulated at non-ISO frequencies (Bink)
- NEW: Clear all time stats option
- NEW: Adjustable option for number of tries (Saxology)
- NEW: Adjustable option for output soundcard/device
- NEW: Possiblility to listen again to frequencies and view guesses
- BUGFIX: Font alignment issues (Frisco and others)
- BUGFIX: Clicks and pops at some frequencies fixed (where the frequency was not an exact multiple of the buffer size)
- BUGFIX: Misc 'Access Violation' errors should be fixed
Changes in v1.2.1 - 11 July 2003
- BUGFIX: SFT hung when freqencies were selected outside of the standard 20-20000Hz range (thanks to Steve Robinson for spotting this one)
Changes in v1.2 - 11 July 2003
- NEW: Timing (Bob Quintal/Bill Hart)
- NEW: md5sums for the downloads (Kees Jan Koster)
Changes in v1.1 - 7 July 2003
- NEW: Ability to restrict the range of frequencies (Ryan Powell)
- NEW: About box (Bob Quintal)
- NEW: Make the start button work with the enter key (Kees Jan Koster)
- NEW: Tones now have a quick fade at the end to prevent clicks (Kees Jan Koster)
- NEW: Audio is now double buffered so large waveforms don't have to be stored in memory
- NEW: Tones are continuous and don't stop after 60s (Saxology)
- NEW: Buffer sizes are adjusted for low frequency tones to prevent clicks between buffers
- NEW: Sliders disabled for the frequencies already tried (Saxology)
- NEW: Pushbutton to hear tone (Kees Jan Koster)
- NEW: Stop button (Bob Quintal)
- NEW: No need to click start each time (Bill Hart)
Original release v1.0 - 4 July 2003
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